Примеры употребления "were" в английском с переводом "avoir"

There were not many present. Il n'y en avait pas beaucoup de présents.
All of us were homesick. Tout le monde parmi nous avait le mal du pays.
There were flowers all around. Il y avait des fleurs de tous côtés.
You were right after all. Tu avais bon après tout.
There were some flowers there. Il y avait des fleurs ici.
Wiser words were never spoken. On a jamais rien dit de plus sage.
We were studying all afternoon. Nous avons étudié tout l'après-midi.
There were no clouds today. Il n'y avait pas de nuages aujourd'hui.
They were having marriage problems. Ils avaient des problèmes de couple.
There were two murders this month. Il y a eu deux meurtres ce mois-ci.
There were rumors about a misfortune. Il y avait des rumeurs de malheur.
They were seen to go out. On les a vus sortir.
There were hundreds of people there. Il y avait des centaines de personnes là-bas.
There were strange things happening there. Il y avait des choses étranges qui se passaient là-bas.
There were ten eggs in all. Il y avait dix œufs en tout.
Parents were hopeful about the future. Les parents avaient bon espoir en l'avenir.
There were toward a thousand people. Il pouvait y avoir un millier de personnes.
There were no more free seats. Il n'y avait plus de places libres.
There were few, if any, cases. Il y avait peu ou pas de cas.
There were two pieces of cake. Il y avait deux morceaux de gâteau.
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