Примеры употребления "be familiarly acquainted with" в английском

I am acquainted with the custom. J'ai connaissance de cette coutume.
How did you get acquainted with her? Comment est-ce que tu la connais ?
I am acquainted with the author. Je connais l'auteur.
He is acquainted with the custom. Il a connaissance de la tradition.
I am not acquainted with him. Je ne lui suis pas lié.
I became acquainted with your dad yesterday. J'ai fait hier la connaissance de ton papa.
I got acquainted with him last year. J'ai fait sa connaissance l'année dernière.
He is well acquainted with French literature. Il est expert en littérature française.
He is acquainted with the modern history of France. Il a des connaissances en histoire moderne de la France.
He is acquainted with the mayor. Il connaît le maire.
When I was in Paris, I became acquainted with two or three painters, and I went to visit their atelier from time to time. I was always fascinated by their method of work and their way of life. Lorsque je me trouvais à Paris, j'ai fait la connaissance de deux ou trois peintres, et suis allé visiter leurs ateliers de temps à autre. J'étais toujours fasciné par leur méthode de travail et leur mode de vie.
I became acquainted with beautiful Polish women at the university in Brazil, and I also met there some very friendly people who could speak Polish. J'ai rencontré de jolies jeunes femmes polonaises à l'université au Brésil et j'y ai aussi rencontré des gens très sympathiques qui parlaient polonais.
I am well acquainted with him. Je le connais bien.
I got acquainted with him in France. Je l'ai connu en France.
He is well acquainted with the history of England. Il connaît bien l'histoire de l'Angleterre.
I got acquainted with her in France. Je l'ai connue en France.
He is acquainted with my wife. C'est une connaissance de ma femme.
I became acquainted with your father yesterday. J'ai fait la connaissance de votre père, hier.
He acquainted me with the change of the plan. Il me mit au courant du changement de plan.
What is better than sentences to get acquainted? Quoi de mieux que des phrases, pour lier connaissance ?
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