Примеры употребления "dock of his ration" в английском

This criminal is a victim of his heredity. Ce criminel est une victime de ses gènes.
He is proud of his punctuality. Il est fier de sa ponctualité.
All of his family work on a farm. Toute la famille travaille à la ferme.
Most experts think a lot of his theory. Beaucoup d'experts considèrent sa théorie.
He wanted to succeed, even at the cost of his health. Il voulait réussir, même au prix de sa santé.
I didn't get the point of his speech. Je n'ai pas saisi l'intérêt de son discours.
Tom screamed at the top of his lungs. Tom a crié aussi fort que possible.
The other kids at school made fun of him because of his strange accent. Les autres enfants à l'école se moquaient de lui à cause de son étrange accent.
She had the wind of his true intentions. Elle a eu vent de ses intentions.
Almost the only time a fat man loses his temper is when he has been deprived of his food. Presque la seule fois où un gros homme perd son sang-froid est lorsqu'on le prive de sa nourriture.
He balked at the suggestion that he give ten percent of his income to charity. Il regimba à la suggestion qu'il donne dix pour-cent de son revenu aux œuvres de charité.
He's a carbon copy of his father. C'est la copie conforme de son père.
He has unsightly hairs growing out of his ears. Il a des poils disgracieux qui poussent hors de ses oreilles.
My father makes good use of his time. Mon père fait bon usage de son temps.
After the death of his parents, his grandparents took to his education. Après la mort de ses parents, ses grand-parents l'éduquèrent.
It's astonishing, the size of his head. C'est impressionnant la taille de sa tête.
It's just possible that he'll eventually recover the use of his legs. Il est bien possible qu'il recouvre en fin de compte l'usage de ses jambes.
I am sure of his success. Je suis sûre qu'il réussira.
He is proud of his son. Il est fier de son fils.
His income is larger than that of his wife. Son revenu est plus élevé que celui de sa femme.
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