Примеры употребления "During" в английском с переводом "pendant"

Be quiet during the lesson. Ne fais pas de bruit pendant le cours.
The electricity failed during the typhoon. Il y a eu une panne d'électricité pendant le typhon.
Talking during a concert is rude. Bavarder pendant un concert est grossier.
Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Les cafards se cachent pendant la journée.
He kept silent during the meal. Il resta silencieux pendant le repas.
He got sick during the trip. Il a été malade pendant le voyage.
Tom took notes during the meeting. Tom pris des notes pendant la réunion.
He was asleep during the lesson. Il était endormi pendant le cours.
He kept silent during the meeting. Il garda le silence pendant la réunion (meeting).
Our son died during the war. Notre fils est mort pendant la guerre.
Many peasants died during the drought. De nombreux paysans sont morts pendant la sécheresse.
He kept a diary during the trip. Il a tenu un carnet de voyage pendant son périple.
Many atrocities were committed during the war. De nombreuses atrocités ont été commises pendant la guerre.
We reduced our spending during the recession. Nous avons réduit nos dépenses pendant la récession.
I went to sleep during the lesson. Je me suis endormi pendant le cours.
During winter I sleep with two blankets. Pendant l'hiver je dors avec deux couvertures.
He hurt himself during yesterday's game. Il s'est blessé pendant la partie, hier.
She kept from talking during the meeting. Elle s'est abstenue de parler pendant la réunion.
I suffer from depression during the wintertime. Je souffre de dépression pendant l'hiver.
Thousands of people died during the plague. Des milliers de personnes sont mortes pendant la peste.
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