Примеры употребления "suggéré" во французском

J'ai suggéré que nous commencions immédiatement. I suggested that we should start at once.
Il a suggéré un plan similaire au mien. He suggested a plan similar to mine.
Il nous a suggéré que nous devrions rester. He suggested to us that we should stay.
Elle a suggéré que je lui écrive immédiatement. She suggested that I write to him at once.
Il a suggéré que nous prenions un petit repos. He suggested that we take a short rest.
Elle a suggéré que je l'emmène au zoo. She suggested that I take him to the zoo.
Il a suggéré le report de la réunion à lundi. He suggested that the meeting be put off till Monday.
Elle a suggéré que je le lui donne sans délai. She suggested that I give it to him right away.
Bob a suggéré que la fête soit remise à mercredi. Bob suggested that the party be put off till Wednesday.
Elle a suggéré au client d'acheter une cravate bleue. She suggested that the customer buy a blue tie.
Elle a suggéré que j'aille au magasin avec lui. She suggested that I go to the store with him.
Il a suggéré que je l'accompagne à la fête. He suggested that I accompany him to the party.
Tom a suggéré que nous ne regardions pas ce film. Tom suggested that we not watch that movie.
Elle a suggéré que je me rende au magasin avec lui. She suggested that I go to the store with him.
Mon père a suggéré d'aller au cinéma cet après-midi. Father suggested to go to the movies this afternoon.
Elle a suggéré que je devrais nettoyer la salle-de-bain. She suggested that I should clean the bathroom.
Je lui ai suggéré qu'elle pourrait être invitée à la fête. I suggested to him that she be invited to the party.
Je pense vraiment que Tatoeba constitue un bon outil pour les apprenants et je l'ai même suggéré pour tous mes étudiants. I really think Tatoeba is a good tool for learners and have even suggested it for all my students.
Tom suggéra l'idée à Marie. Tom suggested the idea to Mary.
Elle lui suggéra de l'essayer. She suggested that he try it.
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