Примеры употребления "richesse" во французском с переводом "wealth"

La richesse génère le pouvoir. Wealth begets power.
La santé prime sur la richesse. Health is above wealth.
Mon oncle possède une grande richesse. My uncle is possessed of great wealth.
La santé est au-dessus de la richesse. Health is above wealth.
La santé est plus importante que la richesse. Health is better than wealth.
Malgré toute sa richesse, il n'est pas généreux. Despite all his wealth, he is stingy.
Le bonheur ne vient pas que de la richesse. Happiness does not consist simply in wealth.
Même avec toute sa richesse, il n'est point heureux. With all his wealth, he is not happy.
Il a mis toute sa richesse au bénéfice des pauvres. He used all his wealth for the benefit of the poor.
N'acquiers pas la richesse au détriment de ta conscience. Don't obtain wealth at the expense of your conscience.
Celui qui se marie pour la richesse vend sa liberté. He that marries for wealth sells his liberty.
Ils soutiennent que la distribution de la richesse devrait être équitable. They argue that the distribution of wealth should be equitable.
Il met la richesse sur le même pied que le bonheur. He equates wealth with happiness.
Il put devenir membre de ce club grâce à sa richesse. Because of his wealth, he was able to become a member of that club.
Il était évident que ses compagnons étaient envieux de sa richesse. Obviously, his companions were jealous of his wealth.
Inutile de dire que la santé vaut mieux que la richesse. Needless to say, health is above wealth.
L'exploitation minière est une des sources principales de richesse au Chili. Mining is one of the main sources of wealth in Chile.
Il est toujours à la recherche du succès et de la richesse. He is always seeking for fame and wealth.
Cela va sans dire que la santé est plus importante que la richesse. It goes without saying that health is more important than wealth.
Sa famille considéra comme acquis qu'ils hériteraient de la majeure partie de sa richesse. His relatives took it for granted that they would inherit the bulk of his wealth.
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