Примеры употребления "firent l'amour" во французском

Ils firent l'amour. They made love.
Tom et Marie firent l'amour passionnément sur la plage au crépuscule. Tom and Mary made love passionately on the beach at sunset.
Elles firent l'amour. They made love.
Ils firent du bon boulot. They did a good job.
Ils le firent travailler du matin au soir. They made him work from morning till night.
Les nazis firent disparaître son nom des livres d'histoire. The Nazis wiped his name out of the history books.
Ils firent le bon choix. They made the right choice.
Ils la firent partir. They made her go.
Ils ouvrirent leur album de mariage et firent une petite promenade dans le temps. They opened up their wedding album and had a little stroll down memory lane.
Ils le firent travailler. They made him work.
Ils le firent attendre un long moment dehors. They kept him waiting outside for a long time.
Ils le firent poireauter dehors. They kept him waiting outside for a long time.
Ils le firent devant le personnel. They did it in front of the staff.
Les allégations qu'elles firent étaient infondées. The allegations they made were unfounded.
Elles firent du bon boulot. They did a good job.
Ils firent une bonne action en aidant les réfugiés. They did a good deed in helping refugees.
Elles le firent devant le personnel. They did it in front of the staff.
Les allégations qu'ils firent étaient infondées. The allegations they made were unfounded.
Ce qu'ils firent ensuite fut mauvais, même selon mes normes. What they did next was bad, even by my standards.
Elles firent ce qu'il fallait. They did the right thing.
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