Примеры употребления "devenait" во французском

Il devenait un chanteur célèbre. He was becoming a famous singer.
Son nom devenait largement connu. His name was becoming widely known.
Soudainement le ciel devenait sombre. All of a sudden the sky became dark.
Plus il vieillissait, plus il devenait modeste. The older he grew, the more modest he became.
Le ciel devenait de plus en plus sombre. The sky became darker and darker.
Plus il devenait riche plus il en voulait. The richer he became, the more he wanted.
Les années passant, elle devenait de plus en plus belle. She became more and more beautiful as she grew older.
Plus il gravissait l'échelle sociale, plus modeste il devenait. The higher he rose in social rank, the more modest he became.
Le son devenait de plus en plus faible, jusqu'à ce qu'il disparaisse. The sound became fainter and fainter, till at last it disappeared.
Au fur et à mesure que les siècles passaient et plus l'Angleterre se peuplait, le peuple constata que son approvisionnement devenait un grand problème. As the centuries went by and England became more crowded, the people found their food supply a great problem.
Tom rêve de devenir millionnaire. Tom dreams of becoming a millionaire.
Il aspire à devenir enseignant. He aspires to become a teacher.
Pourquoi veux-tu devenir infirmière ? Why do you want to become a nurse?
Elle rêve de devenir infirmière. Her dream is to become a nurse.
Tu dois devenir plus agressif. You need to become more aggressive.
Je rêve de devenir enseignante. I dream of becoming a teacher.
Pourquoi voulez-vous devenir infirmière ? Why do you want to become a nurse?
Il aspire à devenir professeur. He aspires to become a teacher.
Je rêvais de devenir mannequin. I used to dream about becoming a model.
Qu'est devenu son fils ? What has become of her son?
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