Примеры употребления "atteignîmes" во французском

Nous atteignîmes enfin notre but. At last, we reached our destination.
Nous atteignîmes une bifurcation sur la route et n'avions aucune idée de la direction à prendre. We came to a fork in the road and had no idea which direction to go.
Lorsque nous atteignîmes le port, le vent s'apaisa. When we arrived at the port, the wind subsided.
Enfin, nous atteignîmes le sommet. At last, we reached the summit.
Nous atteignîmes le sommet de la montagne. We reached the top of the mountain.
Affamés et assoiffés, nous atteignîmes enfin l'auberge. Hungry and thirsty, we at last reached the inn.
Nous atteignîmes finalement le sommet de la montagne. We finally reached the top of the mountain.
Le vent soufflait encore plus fort lorsque nous atteignîmes le sommet de la colline. The wind blew even harder when we reached the top of the hill.
Le vent soufflait pourtant plus fort lorsque nous atteignîmes le sommet de la colline. The wind blew harder yet when we reached the top of the hill.
Il a atteint son but. He reached his goal.
Il atteignit enfin son but. He achieved his aim at last.
Quand elle atteindra sa majorité, ils vont se marier. When she comes of age, they are going to get married.
Ils ont atteint l'objectif. They made the goal.
Veuillez rester assis jusqu'à ce que l'appareil atteigne la porte. Please remain seated until the aircraft arrives at the gate.
Nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion que l'entraide était essentiel pour atteindre ce but. We concluded that mutual aid was essential for attaining the goal.
La facture totale des boissons a atteint les 7000 dollars. The total bill for drinks came up to 7000 dollars.
Ils ont atteint leur but. They reached their goal.
Il atteignit enfin son objectif. He achieved his aim at last.
Alors que nous atteignions le coin, le lac nous apparut. As we went around the corner, the lake came into view.
Elle a fait de gros efforts pour atteindre son objectif. She made efforts to accomplish the purpose.
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