Примеры употребления "refugiado" в испанском

Переводы: все14 refugee11 shelter2 take refuge1
Los refugiados sobrevivientes añoraban libertad. The rescued refugees were longing for freedom.
Nos refugiamos debajo de un árbol. We took shelter under a tree.
Nos refugiamos en una caverna y esperamos a que pasara la tormenta. We took refuge in a cave and waited for the storm to pass.
Los refugiados lucharon contra el hambre. The refugees struggled against hunger.
Nos refugiamos de la lluvia bajo un árbol. We took shelter from the rain under a tree.
Los refugiados escaparon apenas de la muerte. The refugees barely escaped death.
Los refugiados supervivientes aspiraban a la libertad. The surviving refugees longed for freedom.
El barco estaba lleno de refugiados de Cuba. That boat was full of refugees from Cuba.
Dadaab es un campo de refugiados en Kenia. Dadaab is a refugee camp in Kenya.
La Cruz Roja distribuyó alimentos a los refugiados. The Red Cross distributed food to the refugees.
Los refugiados se sintieron seguros en su nuevo país. The refugees felt safe in their new country.
Se les entregó comida y mantas a los refugiados. Food and blankets were given to the refugees.
Las condiciones sanitarias en los campamentos de refugiados eran horribles. Sanitary conditions in the refugee camps were terrible.
Yugoslavia dice no ser responsable de las acciones de las milicias serbias en Bosnia que han asesinado a miles, llevado ciudades a la ruina, y han convertido a 1.3 millones de personas en refugiados durante los últimos tres meses. Yugoslavia says it's not responsible for the actions of Serbian militias in Bosnia which have killed thousands, ruined cities, and turned 1.3 million people into refugees over the last three months.
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