Примеры употребления "am acquainted with" в английском

I am acquainted with the author. El autor es un conocido mío.
I am acquainted with the chairman of the committee. Conozco al presidente del comité.
He is acquainted with many people here. Él conoce a mucha gente aquí.
He is well acquainted with the history of England. Él conoce bien la historia de Inglaterra.
I am acquainted with the custom. Estoy familiarizado con la costumbre.
They became acquainted with the routine. Ellos se hicieron a la rutina.
I got acquainted with him three years ago. Lo conocí hace tres años.
I became acquainted with beautiful Polish women at the university in Brazil, and I also met there some very friendly people who could speak Polish. Me familiaricé con hermosas mujeres polacas en la universidad en Brasil, y allí también conocí gente muy amable que hablaba polaco.
I got acquainted with him in France. Le conocí en Francia.
I got acquainted with her in France. La conocí en Francia.
He acquainted me with the change of the plan. Él me notificó del cambio en los planes.
He acquainted himself with his job. Se familiarizó con su trabajo.
I want to see it with my eyes. Quiero verlo con mis ojos.
We eat with our mouths. Comemos con la boca.
I fully agree with his text. Concuerdo plenamente con su texto.
I'd like to dance with you. Me gustaría bailar contigo.
Do any of you have anything to say in connection with this? ¿Alguno de ustedes tiene algo que decir con respecto a esto?
Cut the cake with that knife. Corta el pastel con ese cuchillo.
We shouldn't confuse solitude with isolation. They are two separate things. No debemos confundir soledad con insolación. Son dos cosas separadas.
She was content with her life. Ella estaba contenta con su vida.
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