Перевод "financial services" на немецкий

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Словарь для "financial services"

financial services существительное
financial service существительное
мн. financial services

Словосочетания с "financial services" (7)

  1. Amtrust financial services - AmTrust Financial Services
  2. Discover financial services - Discover Financial Services
  3. Financial services authority - Financial Services Authority
  4. Ge energy financial services - GE Energy Financial Services
  5. house financial services committee - House Financial Services Committee
  6. Pnc financial services - PNC Financial Services
  7. The hartford financial services group - The Hartford Financial Services Group

Контексты с "financial services"

Their financial problems began in the second half of the year. Ihre finanziellen Probleme begannen in der zweiten Jahreshälfte.
Besides lending books, libraries offer various other services. Neben dem Ausleihen von Büchern bieten Büchereien verschiedene weitere Dienste an.
Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors. Experten sagen, dass nur rund 15 Prozent des Glücks auf Einkommen, Vermögen und anderen finanziellen Faktoren beruht.
My father offered his services to a well-known trade company. Mein Vater bot einem bekannten Handelshaus seine Dienste an.
The company is in financial difficulties. Die Firma befindet sich in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten.
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