Перевод "competition" на французский

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Словарь для "competition"

competition [ˌkɔmpɪˈtɪʃən] существительное Прослушать
мн. competitions
la compétition f Прослушать
We should probably postpone the competition.
Nous devrions probablement remettre la compétition.
la concurrence f (emulation) Прослушать
The competition has become fierce.
La concurrence est devenue féroce.
le concours m (entertainment) Прослушать
He participated in the horse dressage competition.
Il participa au concours de dressage hippique.

Словосочетания с "competition" (75)

  1. free competition - libre concurrence
  2. beauty competition - concours de beauté
  3. competition act - loi de la compétition
  4. competition authority - autorité de la concurrence
  5. competition law - droit de la concurrence
  6. competition policy - politique de la compétition
  7. competition rule - règle de compétition
  8. direct competition - concurrence directe
  9. european competition policy - politique européenne de concurrence
  10. fair competition - concurrence loyale

Контексты с "competition"

We should probably postpone the competition. Nous devrions probablement remettre la compétition.
The competition has become fierce. La concurrence est devenue féroce.
He participated in the horse dressage competition. Il participa au concours de dressage hippique.
He was disqualified from the competition. Il a été disqualifié de la compétition.
This new Macintosh computer puts the competition to shame. Ce nouvel ordinateur Macintosh fait honte à la concurrence.
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