Перевод "attempt" на французский

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Словарь для "attempt"

attempt [əˈtempt] существительное Прослушать
мн. attempts
la tentative f Прослушать
The attempt ended in failure.
La tentative s'est soldée par un échec.
l' essai m (try) Прослушать
He was successful in the attempt.
Son essai a été réussi.
l' effort m (try) Прослушать
attempt [əˈtempt] глагол Спряжение Прослушать
attempted / attempted / attempting / attempts
tenter (effort) Прослушать
He is too much of a coward to attempt it.
Il est trop peureux pour le tenter.
essayer Прослушать
Don't attempt two things at a time.
N'essayez pas deux choses a la fois.

Словосочетания с "attempt" (16)

  1. assassination attempt - tentative d'assassinat
  2. attempt life - attenter vie
  3. attempt task - tenter travail
  4. suicide attempt - tentative de suicide
  5. attempt board - tableau d'essais
  6. attempt shot - tenter coup
  7. attempt stroke - tenter coup
  8. attempt to block - tentative de bloc
  9. attempt to break away - tentative d'echappée
  10. block attempt - tentative de bloc

Контексты с "attempt"

The attempt ended in failure. La tentative s'est soldée par un échec.
He is too much of a coward to attempt it. Il est trop peureux pour le tenter.
Don't attempt two things at a time. N'essayez pas deux choses a la fois.
He was successful in the attempt. Son essai a été réussi.
His attempt ended in failure. Sa tentative se solda par un échec.
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