Примеры употребления "fortune" во французском

Mon oncle possède une fortune. My uncle made a fortune.
Évidemment, ses camarades étaient jaloux de sa fortune. Obviously, his companions were jealous of his wealth.
Il a amassé une fortune. He heaped up a fortune.
Sa fortune ne l'a pas rendu heureux. His wealth has not made him happy.
Il détient une fortune plutôt considérable. He has a fairly large fortune.
Il n'est pas plus heureux malgré sa fortune. He is none the happier for his wealth.
La nouvelle affaire dévorait sa fortune. The new business was eating away his fortune.
Son fils unique a hérité de toute sa fortune. His only son succeeded to all his wealth.
John a hérité d'une grosse fortune. John inherited a large fortune.
Il n'était pas heureux en dépit de toute sa fortune. He wasn't happy in spite of all his wealth.
Toute sa fortune ne sera pas suffisante. Investing all his fortune would not be enough.
Je ne voudrais pas être à sa place malgré toute sa fortune. I wouldn't like to be in his position, for all his wealth.
Il laissa à sa fille une grande fortune. He left his daughter a great fortune.
UBS est la plus grande banque en gestion de fortune d’Europe. UBS is the largest bank in private wealth management in Europe.
Il a laissé une fortune a son fils. He left his son a fortune.
Le voleur ou l'arnaqueur qui a amassé une grande fortune par ses méfaits a de meilleurs chances que le petit voleur d'échapper aux pénalités rigoureuses de la loi. The thief or swindler who has gained great wealth by his delinquency has a better chance than the small thief of escaping the rigorous penalty of the law.
La diligence est mère de la bonne fortune. Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
Il a risqué de perdre toute sa fortune. He risked losing all his fortune.
Il a laissé à son fils une grosse fortune. He left his son a large fortune.
Il a construit sa fortune par le dur labeur. He accumulated his fortune by hard work.
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