Примеры употребления "catch up" в английском

Переводы: все22 rattraper21 другие переводы1
He ran to catch up to his brother. Il a couru pour rattraper son frère ?
Walk slowly, and I will catch up with you. Marche lentement et je te rattraperai.
If you hurry, you will catch up with him. Si tu te dépêches, tu pourras le rattraper.
Start at once, and you will catch up with him. Pars maintenant et tu le rattraperas.
Start right now, and you'll catch up with them. Commence dès maintenant, et tu les rattraperas.
She ran very fast to catch up with the other members. Elle courut très vite pour rattraper les autres membres.
I ran as fast as possible to catch up with her. J'ai couru aussi vite que j'ai pu pour la rattraper.
I ran as fast as possible to catch up with him. Je cours le plus vite possible pour le rattraper.
She walked as fast as she could to catch up with him. Elle marcha aussi vite qu'elle put pour le rattraper.
Ben is behind them, but he'll soon catch up with them. Ben est derrière eux, mais il devrait bientôt les rattraper.
She has to study hard and catch up with everybody in her class. Elle doit travailler fort pour rattraper les autres dans sa classe.
No matter how fast you run, you won't catch up with him. Aussi vite que tu coures, tu ne le rattraperas pas.
Running as fast as I could, I was able to catch up with my friend. Courant à toutes jambes, je fus en mesure de rattraper mon ami.
Since I was sick for a week, I'm making every possible effort to catch up. Comme j'étais malade pendant une semaine, je fais tout mon possible pour me rattraper.
No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to catch up with him. J'aurai beau essayer, je ne serai jamais capable de le rattraper.
I caught up with them soon. Je les ai vite rattrapés.
I finally caught up with my friends. Je rattrapai finalement mes amis.
At last, I caught up with my friends. Enfin, je rattrapai mes amis.
Japan has caught up with Europe and America in medicine. Le Japon a rattrapé l'Europe et l'Amérique en médecine.
Japan caught up with the United States in this field. Le Japon a rattrapé les États-Unis dans ce domaine.
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