Примеры употребления "policeman" в английском с переводом "policial"

Переводы: все19 policial19
The policeman lifted the box carefully. O policial levantou a caixa cuidadosamente.
I was offended by the policeman. Fui ofendido pelo policial.
The policeman is driving the car. O policial está dirigindo o carro.
The policeman is in the car. O policial está no carro.
The policeman signed to me to stop. O policial fez sinal para que eu parasse.
The policeman took the thief by the arm. O policial pegou o ladrão pelo braço.
The policeman let him off with a warning. O policial liberou-o com uma advertência.
The policeman captured the man who was running. O policial capturou o homem que estava correndo.
I persuaded the policeman not to shoot the monkey. Eu convenci o policial a não atirar no macaco.
A policeman was watching it, with his arms crossed. Um policial assistia a ele com os braços cruzados.
The policeman caught the fleeing thief by the arm. O policial capturou pelo braço o ladrão em fuga.
The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away. No instante em que viu o policial, ele fugiu.
The policeman separated the two men who were fighting. O policial separou os dois homens que estavam brigando.
The thief ran away at the sight of a policeman. O ladrão fugiu ao ver um policial.
The policeman went over the room in search for evidence. O policial examinou o quarto em busca de evidências.
There is a policeman at the gate of the house. Há um policial no portão da casa.
A policeman asked the girls if the car was theirs. Um policial perguntou às garotas se o carro era delas.
The two policemen were exhausted, too. Os dois policiais também estavam exaustos.
New York City policemen wear dark blue uniforms. Os policiais de Nova York usam uniformes azul-escuros.
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